健闘を称えて・黒鷲の学級 Commendable Effort (Black Eagles)
ディミトリ: 見事な戦いだった。エーデルガルトも、先生も。
Dimitri: Edelgard. Professor. That was a spectacular battle. You both fought exceptionally well.
クロード: 完敗だよ、完敗。つくづく敵に回したくないもんだ。
Claude: Complete and utter defeat... I would hate to make an enemy of you two.
エーデルガルト: 2人とも、お世辞はいらないわ。紙一重だったと思っているのよね?
Edelgard: No need to get carried away with praise. I know you both feel we won by a paper-thin margin.
And I won't deny it. If we were to fight again, there's no telling who would prevail.
What do you think, Professor?
Choice 1: 青獅子の学級が強かった The Blue Lion House was very strong. (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: ありがとう。今後も修練に励まなければな。
Dimitri: I am honored to hear you say that. Still, I must continue to train rigorously.
Choice 2: 金鹿の学級が強かった The Golden Deer House was very strong. (Claude ⤴)
クロード: はは、そいつは光栄だ。が、正直な話、黒き鷲が一枚も二枚も上手だったよ。
Claude: I'm honored! And I'll level with you - I think that margin is at least as wide as two sheets of paper. I mean that.
Choice 3: 余裕だった They were nothing. (Edelgard ⤴)
エーデルガルト: 師……まあ、今だけは調子に乗っても気にしないことにするわ。
Edelgard: Professor?! Well, I suppose it's OK to let victory go to your head just this once.
クロード: ともかく、俺はこの戦いの経験が活かされる日が来ないよう願うばかりだな。
Claude: In any case, I hope the day never comes when we have to put this experience to use.
ディミトリ: まったくだ。お前たちと剣を交える未来は、勘弁願いたいからな。
Dimitri: Agreed. I would hate to know a future in which I'm forced to cross swords with you.
エーデルガルト: そうね。鷲獅子戦という名は、元は帝国と王国の争いから取られたものだけど……
Edelgard: True. Although the Battle of the Eagle and Lion was originally named after a war between the Empire and the Kingdom.
But that's all in the past. I'm sure even the name will one day fade from the pages of history.
Choice 1: そのとおりだ I hope so.
Choice 2: 仲良くやろう Let's do our best to get along.
クロード: 憎いことを言うじゃないか。……それじゃ、俺からも提案だ。
Claude: How admirable, Teach! On that note, I have a proposition.
When we get back to Garreg Mach, let's have a grand feast to bring down the walls between our respective houses.
And by a "grand" feast, I mean a fairly regular feast in the dining hall.
ディミトリ: 互いに親睦を深めるいい機会だな。俺は賛成だ。
Dimitri: It would be a fine opportunity to know each other better. Count me in.
エーデルガルト: ……いいわ。戻った日の夜に集合ね。師、それでいい?
Edelgard: So be it. Let's plan to meet up on the night we return. Is that OK with you, Professor?
Choice 1: 楽しみだ I'm looking forward to it.
Choice 2: 勝利の美酒を…… We'll celebrate our victory. (Edelgard ⤴)
エーデルガルト: いったいどうしたの、師。今日は随分と調子に乗っているじゃない。
Edelgard: What's gotten into you today? I'm not used to seeing you this excited.
エーデルガルト: そんなに眩しい笑顔を向けられると……私も羽目を外したくなりそうよ。
Edelgard: Seeing such a big smile on your face is a rare gift... It makes me feel like I can maybe relax a little too.